IOV Indonesia Youth Section

We travel around the globe spread the beauty of equator emerald

Senin, 01 Maret 2010


Dear Colleagues;

My name is Andris Adhitra from Indonesia. I just graduated from University of Indonesia Faculty of Law.

During my college time I joined a student folklore group in my University called KRIDA BUDAYA, which had experienced hundreds festival around the world since 1988.

I join the team of the Cultural Mission of Indonesia to several festival in France and Italy 2007 organized by Association National Culture and Tradition under designation of Jean Roches and Marie Agnes Jacques in Gannat.

After I teach children in various school and we represent our beloved country in festival in Philippines and International Children Festival in Tianjin China, and also joining the Folklore Group Swara Maharddhika of present the complete panorama of Indonesia in France 2009.

After I joined the team of WAYANG AJEN PARWA PUJANGGA, on presented WAYANG (Indonesia traditional wooden puppet show) under designation of ARSENA MEDIA KREASI Jakarta and Association National Culture and Tradition, Gannat France.

Now, I represent youth from Indonesia. We concentrate our developing activity on introduce the cultural heritage of Indonesia to children and youth, so we can share our idea about our cultural heritage to the children and youth around the world.

Last November 2009. I attend the SEAChange Youth Forum in Malaysia.

In this forum, youths across all age groups display the desire to provide more for their family and/or community. We see problems in their lives and society, and want to be able to do something about it. What’s stopping us? Ourselves – our personal habits, lifestyle, knowledge, ability, and wealth. Hence the drive for personal change. But is it all about personal gain? Apart from Malaysia and Singapore, stories from youths across the region strongly suggest that personal change is not just about what we can gain for themselves, but what wecan do for others.
Therefore we need your support to help us enhance the developing of IOV Indonesia Youth section and link with another youth around the world.

With support from Mr. George Frandsen IOV USA, and our friends Olvin Valentin, we decide to become IOV Indonesia Youth Section.

About IOV Indonesia:

IOV Indonesia youth section serves as a platform to channel the aspirations and talents of the students and youth from Indonesia in the field of dancing, particularly traditional dancing and music.

IOV Indonesia Youth section’s vision is to respect and preserve Indonesia’s rich culture. To accomplish this vision, IOV Indonesia Youth section sets its mission to learn the traditional dances of Indonesia and widen their reach so they can be appreciated by the public at large. IOV Indonesia Youth section was just formed in February 2010.

To achieve its vision and mission, IOV Indonesia Youth section is very serious in enhancing youth to learn traditional dances and music.

This year we wish to join The Second IOV Youth Congress 2010

on Urban Sustainability and Cultural Heritage in Nanjing China.
We focus our field of study in Bali, since there are a lot cultural heritage in Bali, and urban sustainability as the result of tourism industry in Bali.

Warm regards,

Jalan Kedoya 29 pondok Cina Depok,

We need your support by forward this email to your friend who can share idea about culture among youth and children.

We are ongoing the process to have an International Youth Folklore Festival in Indonesia on 2011, which wish to invite thousand talented youth from around the world, following the greatest event in Macao and Aberdeen, and other region.

Please do support. We thank you very much.

How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, dreams! Book of Beginnings, Story without End, Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

2 komentar:

  1. greaat guys with great activty~ thats you, ka andris;)

    itu sebelum bikin paper harus isi formnya ya ? dmn bisa mengunduh formnya kka??
    thx b4

  2. kalo mau gabung ikut iov indonesia youth section ini gimana caranya ya?
    makasih :)
